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Coding Journey

·2574 words·13 mins· loading · loading · · ·
Ojasvi Mittal
Ojasvi Mittal
I Develop for Humans


Step into the realm where lines of code weave tapestries of innovation and pixels paint portraits of possibility. Welcome to my start of coding journey, a sanctuary for the curious souls and passionate minds who dare to dream in binary.

Here, amidst the symphony of syntax and the ballet of algorithms, I invite you to embark on a voyage through the enchanted forests of programming. Each keystroke is a brushstroke, crafting a masterpiece of logic and creativity in the ever-expanding canvas of technology.

As we traverse this digital wilderness, I’ll be your friend, sharing tales of triumph and tribulation from my own odyssey through the realms of software development. From the euphoria of conquering a formidable bug to the serene contemplation of elegant code, every moment is a revelation waiting to unfold.

But this journey is not solitary; it is a communal celebration of shared experiences and collective wisdom. Together, we’ll forge bonds stronger than any compiler error, fostering a community where questions are welcomed, and knowledge is freely exchanged.

Within these virtual walls, you’ll find not only tutorials and technical insights but also a sanctuary for inspiration and introspection. Let us explore the intersection of art and science, where creativity dances with logic and innovation knows no bounds.

So, dear readers, take my hand and venture forth into the infinite expanse of the digital frontier. For here, in the realm of ones and zeros, the possibilities are as vast as the imagination itself. Welcome, and may your coding journey be as breathtaking as the stars in the night sky.

My Start of Coding Journey

In the digital age, where technology intertwines with every facet of our lives, my journey into the realm of coding began with a humble desktop computer gifted to me in the third grade. Initially, it served as a portal to endless hours of gaming and mindless internet surfing. Little did I know, within its metallic confines lay the seeds of a passion that would shape my future.

One fateful day, driven by curiosity, I embarked on the daring mission of opening the CPU. However, my adventure was cut short, leaving the task incomplete. Another memorable incident involved an unexpected encounter with water during a gaming session, which tragically resulted in the demise of my beloved PC. Despite these setbacks, my fascination with computers only deepened.

Each visit to the computer shop ignited a spark within me as I marveled at the intricate hardware and software technologies on display. With each passing day, my curiosity grew, fueled by the rapid advancements in technology that surrounded me.

It wasn’t until I reached the eleventh grade that my path took a significant turn. It was then that I was introduced to the captivating world of coding and programming as part of my computer science curriculum. Under the guidance of my teacher, Miss Harpreet Ma’am, I embarked on my first coding adventure with Python.

Miss Harpreet Ma’am, with her expertise and patience, became my beacon in the vast sea of coding languages and concepts. Her guidance not only imparted technical knowledge but also instilled in me a sense of confidence and curiosity to explore further.

While my father had been my first teacher in the realm of technology, it was Miss Harpreet Ma’am who unlocked the doors to the enchanting world of coding. Her mentorship sparked a flame within me that continues to burn brightly to this day.

As I look back on my journey from gaming enthusiast to aspiring programmer, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and individuals who have shaped my path. Each stumble and setback has been a stepping stone, guiding me closer to realizing my passion for coding.

Today, armed with determination and a thirst for knowledge, I stand at the threshold of endless possibilities in the world of technology. My journey has only just begun, but I am eager to embrace the challenges and discoveries that lie ahead as I continue to code my way through life.

How I choose Bachelor’s in Computer Science

When it came time to choose what I wanted to study in college, I found myself faced with a big decision. After thinking it over, I realized that I was really interested in computers and how they work. From a young age, I loved playing around with computers and learning about how they functioned. As I got older, I started to get more serious about learning about technology.

I decided to study Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) because I saw a lot of potential in it. In today’s world, there’s a huge need for people who understand computers and can use them to solve problems. Whether it’s creating new software or coming up with innovative ideas, CSE seemed like a field where I could make a real difference.

What I liked most about CSE was that it’s always changing. There’s always something new to learn, whether it’s a new programming language or a new way to use technology. I’ve always enjoyed solving problems, so the idea of being able to use my skills to tackle real-world issues was really exciting to me.

Of course, choosing CSE wasn’t easy. I knew it would be challenging, with lots of hard work and long hours of studying. But I also knew that it would be worth it in the end, because I would be doing something I truly loved.

As I start my journey in college, I’m excited to see where it takes me. I know there will be ups and downs along the way, but I’m ready to face them head-on. With each step I take, I’m getting closer to achieving my dreams in the world of computer science and engineering.

Choosing CSE wasn’t just about picking a major—it was about following my passion, pursuing my interests, and making a difference in the world. And that’s something I’m truly excited about.

My Journey into Development: From Curiosity to Creation

As I reflect on my journey into the world of development, I am struck by the winding path that led me to where I am today. It all began with a spark of curiosity—a desire to understand the inner workings of the digital world that surrounds us.

Growing up, I was always drawn to technology. Whether it was tinkering with gadgets or exploring the depths of computer software, I found myself captivated by the endless possibilities that technology offered. Yet, it wasn’t until later in life that I discovered my passion for development.

The turning point came during my high school years when I was introduced to the fundamentals of programming. It was like unlocking a door to a whole new universe—a universe where lines of code held the power to create, to innovate, and to transform ideas into reality.

At first, the world of development seemed daunting—a maze of syntax and logic that I struggled to navigate. But with each challenge came a newfound sense of determination. I immersed myself in the world of coding, spending countless hours pouring over tutorials, experimenting with different languages, and building my own projects from scratch.

As I delved deeper into development, I discovered a sense of fulfillment unlike anything I had experienced before. There was something incredibly rewarding about taking a concept from conception to completion, watching as lines of code came together to breathe life into an idea.

One of the most defining moments in my journey came when I realized the impact that development could have on the world around me. Whether it was creating applications to streamline everyday tasks or developing software to address societal challenges, I saw firsthand the power of technology to drive positive change.

But perhaps, what I cherish most about my journey into development are the lessons I’ve learned along the way. From the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity to the value of collaboration and teamwork, each experience has shaped me into the developer I am today.

As I continue on my journey, I am filled with a sense of excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. Whether it’s mastering new languages, exploring emerging technologies, or tackling ambitious projects, I know that the world of development will always offer new challenges and opportunities for growth.

In the end, my journey into development has been more than just a career choice—it has been a voyage of self-discovery, a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. And as I look back on how far I’ve come, I am grateful for the journey that has brought me to where I am today—a developer fueled by curiosity, driven by creativity, and inspired by the endless possibilities of the digital frontier.

The Therapeutic Power of My Laptop: A Love-Hate Relationship

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, amidst the chaos and clamor of the world, there exists a sanctuary—a refuge where I find solace, comfort, and perhaps, a touch of madness. This sanctuary comes in the form of a humble device, a companion in both joy and sorrow: my laptop.

My relationship with my laptop is a complex one, filled with equal parts love and frustration. It serves as my portal to the digital realm, a gateway to endless possibilities and boundless creativity. Yet, it also harbors my weaknesses, tempting me with its siren song of distraction and procrastination.

There are days when my laptop is my greatest ally, a trusted confidant in times of need. It is my canvas, where I paint my thoughts and dreams with pixels and keystrokes. Whether I’m writing a heartfelt letter to a friend, crafting a piece of code, or immersing myself in a captivating story, my laptop is there, a faithful companion in the journey of self-expression.

But there are also days when my laptop becomes my greatest adversary, a relentless temptress luring me away from the tasks at hand. It is a black hole of endless distractions, beckoning me with the promise of mindless scrolling and infinite cat videos. In those moments of weakness, I find myself ensnared in its grip, unable to break free from its hypnotic allure.

And yet, despite its flaws, I cannot deny the therapeutic power that my laptop holds over me. In moments of stress or anxiety, it offers a welcome escape—a chance to lose myself in the vast expanse of the internet or lose track of time in the embrace of a captivating game.

But perhaps, what makes my laptop truly therapeutic is its ability to connect me with others. In a world where physical distance often separates us, my laptop bridges the gap, allowing me to stay connected with friends and loved ones across the globe. Whether it’s a late-night chat with a friend halfway across the world or a virtual game night with loved ones, my laptop brings us together, fostering a sense of closeness and belonging in an increasingly fragmented world.

In the end, my laptop is more than just a device—it is a lifeline, a source of comfort and connection in an ever-changing world. It is my weakness, yes, but it is also my strength—a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding me through the twists and turns of life’s journey.

So here’s to my laptop, my trusted companion in this crazy adventure called life. May it continue to serve as a source of therapy, inspiration, and endless possibility for years to come.

The Guiding Lights on My Journey: My Mentors

Throughout my journey, there have been individuals who have played a pivotal role in shaping my path and guiding me towards success. These individuals are not just teachers or advisors—they are my mentors, the guiding lights that have illuminated my way through the darkest of times.

One of my most influential mentors is my father. From a young age, he instilled in me a love for technology and a passion for learning. He was the one who first introduced me to the world of computers, patiently teaching me the basics and encouraging me to explore further. His unwavering support and belief in my abilities have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

Another mentor who has had a profound impact on my journey is Miss Harpreet Ma’am, my computer science teacher in high school. It was under her guidance that I discovered my passion for coding and programming. Her patience, dedication, and expertise not only helped me grasp complex concepts but also fostered a deep appreciation for the art of computer science. She believed in me even when I doubted myself, pushing me to reach new heights and pursue my dreams with confidence.

In addition to my father and Miss Harpreet Ma’am, there have been countless other mentors who have left an indelible mark on my life. Whether it was a professor who challenged me to think critically, a colleague who offered invaluable advice, or a friend who provided unwavering support, each mentor has contributed in their own unique way to my growth and development.

But perhaps, what I cherish most about my mentors is not just their knowledge or expertise, but their ability to see the potential within me and nurture it to fruition. They have believed in me when I struggled to believe in myself, guiding me through the ups and downs of life with wisdom and compassion.

As I continue on my journey, I am grateful for the guidance and support of my mentors. They have been beacons of light in times of darkness, mentors who have shaped me into the person I am today. And though my journey may take me down different paths, their lessons and teachings will always serve as a guiding compass, illuminating my way forward with clarity and purpose.

In the end, my mentors are more than just teachers or advisors—they are the pillars of strength upon which I lean, the mentors who have helped me navigate the complexities of life and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.


In conclusion, my journey has been a testament to the transformative power of mentorship. Through the guidance and support of individuals who have selflessly shared their wisdom and expertise, I have grown in ways I never thought possible.

Mentorship has provided me with invaluable insights, encouragement, and perspective, helping me navigate the challenges and opportunities that have come my way. Whether it was a teacher who sparked my curiosity, a colleague who offered sage advice, or a friend who provided unwavering support, each mentor has left an indelible mark on my journey.

As I look back on my experiences, I am filled with gratitude for the mentors who have helped shape me into the person I am today. Their belief in me, their guidance, and their willingness to invest in my growth have been instrumental in my development.

Moving forward, I am committed to paying it forward and serving as a mentor to others who may be embarking on their own journeys. Just as my mentors have inspired and empowered me, I hope to do the same for others, fostering a community of support and encouragement where individuals can thrive and reach their fullest potential.

In the end, mentorship is not just about imparting knowledge—it is about fostering connections, nurturing growth, and empowering others to achieve greatness. And as I continue on my journey, I am grateful for the mentors who have walked alongside me, guiding me every step of the way.